Teach with ND

Struggling to Keep Up with All the Things?

Makes complete sense.

You've got a lot going on!

Juggling lesson plans, evaluations, field trips, sub requests, PLUS sensory overload, chronic distractibility, and time management challenges...

It's time to take a step back, and organize some thoughts. This starts with getting them out of your head and onto paper.

This packet of free printable worksheets for ADHD adults includes pages for a brain dump, structured daily planning, and even a strengths-based reflection.

(When was the last time you thought about your strengths?!)

It provides you clear, practical ways to manage your day in a way that is more nd-friendly than traditional planners.

(You won't even be asked about those at all!)

Tired of the Overwhelm?

Let our free worksheets give you a hand. Designed by a veteran nd teacher who quit her job to make useful resources so that maybe you won't have to.

Fill out the form and get started today!

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